WMW1.1 DE Deadlift and Rows with Wall Balls

Monday WMW1.1 27/1/14
[accordion title=”Warm Up/ Skill Transfer”]
-Run 200m @ 90-98 cadence
-Hit some warm up reps of the deadlift prior the working weight. In-between MWOD (stretch, massage etc) areas of need
-No run/row today
[accordion title=”Strength”]
-DE Deadlift 70% of your 1 rep max (no bands today)
Use your comfortable stance and x3 x4-8
Speed is the key here. Ensure bar moves faster than 0.8-1metres per second. Basically as fast as you can!!
[accordion title=”S&C WOD”]
-10:00 AMRAP
10 Supinated rows (ring rows)
10 wall balls
[accordion title=”Assistance”]
Ass to grass squat.
Spend 5:00 (at least) in the lowest of low squat, this should be a comfortable position. If its hard do it in small amounts to gather the 5:00 throughout the day.
[accordion title=”Cool Down”]
-Immediately ride 400m post workout. Focus on good skill for the duration of this ride.
[accordion title=”Intent”]
Speed deads, these help you to generate power by using speed. Also if you lift a light weight quickly you get the same response as lifting a heave weight slowly but without the overload on your body.
Then a wod, focus on the good shoulder position throughout it. Its the target in this wod. Spending time in a low squat will improve rom in the “hole”.

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