[accordion title=”Warm Up/ Skill Transfer”]
-Run 200m @ 90-98 cadence
-Hit some warm up reps of each lift prior to the testing/working weight. In-between MWOD areas of need
-No run/row today
[accordion title=”Strength”]
-ME Clean and Jerk Retest!
-ME OHS Retest!
[accordion title=”S&C WOD”]
Hollow body 3:00 Retest
[accordion title=”Cool Down”]
-Row 200m
-3X NFT 5-15 reps
Back to wall POSE/BOF Hops
Kipping HSPU Drill/Reverse Hypers
MWOD/Box Breathing
[accordion title=”Intent”]
Retest the aims of the cycle the C&J, OHS and hollow body. Complete the C&J first all 5 heavy singles, then OHS 5 heavy singles. Go up in working weight and hit a PB! Then hold the hollow position for 3:00. Its Saturday, take as long as you need on the wod today.