Hells Bells Cycle

CFHQ Old school photo


This Cycle is a back to the roots of CrossFit cycle and will be testing lots of benchmarks to help identify and eliminate weaknesses. This cycle will be a true example of GPP (General Physical Preparedness) so get ready for anything functional!

All wods are released 0600hrs every day, gym members can access the programmeme in advance.

For the Hells Bells Cycle we will mix in lots of HQ wods as well as CFE and CFFB. We will still programmeme Strength (With a bias to speed strength) and Metcons on various days but we will include some strength only days. We have a high skill warm-up pre-wod and the cool down is a regular cool down then either assistance lifts/movements or goat work.

Also this is going to take place over the festive period so we will programmeme around times when we might need extra time with the family. The gym will be open Christmas day if you want to come down for a wod.



Mon     Speed Strength/Metcon
Tue       Metcon
Wed     Strength/Metcon
Thur    S&C Off
Fri        Speed Strength/Metcon
Sat      Metcon
Sun      S&C Off

[accordion title=”programmeme Information”]

Strength Pendulum Wave/Strength Template

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6
Monday Speed Box Squat70% + Bands Speed Box Squat75% + Bands Speed Box Squat80% + Bands Speed Box Squat70% + Bands Speed Speed Box Squat75% + Bands Speed Box Squat80% + Bands
Wednesday Back Squat Front Squat Overhead Squat Back Squat Front Squat Overhead SQaut
Friday Speed Bench70% + Bands Speed Bench75% + Bands Speed Bench80% + Bands Speed Bench70% + Bands Speed Bench75% + Bands Speed Bench80% + Bands


Duration: 6 Weeks (Start date 16/12/13)

Focus A: GPP
Focus B: Speed Strength
Focus C: MWOD


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