i) Sorry can reserve the gym from 1300-1600hrs on Saturday for Max’s birthday please.
ii) It is nearly P Day! So Sunday 1200-1300 paleo bake off and paleo Q&A is happening ready for Paleo May!
CrossFit Shropshire – CrossFit
A Shoulder Mob 1.0 (No Measure)
i Pass throughs
ii Table top twists
iii Partner back leaver
iv Partner pull up arch
A Hang conditioning 1.0 (No Measure)
i Passive hang :10 – 1:00
ii Active hang, 7 reps Passive – Active, (:03 in each position that’s 1 rep)
iii Arch hang :10 – :30
iv Passive – Active – Arch – Active – Passive, :03 in each position. That’s 1 rep. 1-5 sets
ME lift Warm-up (No Measure)
Max Effort lift warm-up. Get around 100 quality warmup reps done of the lift. Start light and go heavy. Only increase weight when the reps move well and feel good. Mix in MWODs in between warm up reps.
Barbell Row (3-3-3-3-3)
A Muscle up progressions 1.0 (No Measure)
i Hollow/Arch swings in false grip on rings. 3x 20 big swings
ii Hanging V hip extensions (box hops). 3x 10.
Keep false grip, arms straight, shoulders active, heels on box just below ring height.
iii Seated banded muscle up transition drill. As slow as possible 3x 5
From seated in a band, arms straight up to the lowest possible dip. False grip throughout.
Metcon (4 Rounds for reps)
4 rounds, 3 mins per station, of:
Burpee, 60 secs
Rest 30 secs
Double Under, 60 secs
Rest 30 secs
Cool down run (No Measure)
Run 100-400m. Not for time, bring down heart rate and start recovery process early.
Cool down
A Wrist conditioning 1.0 (No Measure)
i Wrist push ups- Fingers/hands facing each other, move from hands flat on floor up to the knuckles. Bend arms slightly like a press up.
ii Knuckle push ups- Fingers/hands facing forwards, move from hands flat on the floor up to weight supported on straight fingers.
Start on knees and complete 10 reps of each. Increase range of motion over the weeks. Target will be a full press up with the above positions.