8.1 Sunshine Highway

CrossFit Shropshire – CrossFit

Skills are:
Toes To Bar
Single Arm
Shoulder Stability

Warm up/Skill Transfer

Warm up run 10-400m + MWOD (No Measure)

Start the physical and mental preparation to workout. Run as far as needed. then MWOD areas of need (your targets and areas needed for the positions in the wod)

Crossover Symmetry Activation (No Measure)

Follow the Crossover Symmetry Activation protocol


Clean and Jerk (1 Rep Max)


Skipping wod or Baseline.

Metcon (Time)

21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps, for time of:

GHD Sit-up

Shoulder Press, 95/65 lbs

Baseline Row (Time)


Row 400m

40 Air Squats

30 Sit Ups

20 Push Ups

10 Pull Ups

Cool down

Cool down run (No Measure)

Run 100-400m. Not for time, bring down heart rate and start recovery process early.


Crossover Symmetry Recovery (No Measure)

Follow the recovery protocol

Kipping TTB (No Measure)

Kipping (TTB Pike)

i) On rings 10 Dish/Arch swings

ii) 10 kipping Straight leg raises, to 45, 90, 135 degrees, rings. Ensure you flow and connect the 10.

Kipping (TTB Tuck and Kick)

i) On rings 10 Dish/Arch swings

ii) 10 kipping Tuck and kick to max height, to 45, 90, 135 degrees, rings. Ensure you flow and connect the 10.

KEEP back inline with the rig on the up phase. Only go as high as you can with the kick.

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