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3SB 2.7 Make up OR S&C recovery wod.


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CrossFit Shropshire – CrossFit


Light run

Mwod areas of need


Sunday S&C recover WOD Or make up day. If you need to complete the S&C recovery wod to open you up and the aid recovery for tomorrow!

Or make up, complete a smart workout you need to complete to keep you improving.

Metcon (No Measure)

CrossFit Endurance Strength and Conditioning Recovery

This can and should be done the day of races, after long runs, or on Sundays after interval work.


Glute Ham Developer Sit-ups: 3 x15

Glute Ham Developer Hip Extensions: 3 x15

Kettlebell/Dumbbell Swings: 3 x15

Bench Press: 3 x15

Pull-ups: 3 x15

Perform each movement with light to medium weight. This is a recovery workout to get you moving again after a race or long effort, not a timed WOD!



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