150201 Battle Buddy Bar wod

CrossFit Shropshire – CrossFit

The best partner wod

Warm up/Skill Transfer

Burgener Warm-up (No Measure)


1. Down and “Finish”

2. Elbows High and Outside

3. Muscle Snatch

4. Snatch Lands at 2″, 4″, 6″

5. Snatch Drops


1. Snatch Push Press

2. Overhead Squat

3. Heaving Snatch Balance

4. Snatch Balance without a dip

5. Snatch Balance with a dip

S&C Wod

Metcon (Time)

Battle Buddy Bar

4 rounds for time:

40 Front Squats (75/45)

40 SDHP (75/45)

40 Push Press (75/45)

200 Jump Rope Singles Or 1000m *Teams of two. Each athlete does half the reps with the bar then hands the bar off. The bar cannot be put back down for the entire workout. Athlete 1 does 20 Front Squats to start while Athlete 2 rests. Then the bar is handed off and Athlete 2 does 20 Front Squats while Athlete 1 rests and so on. When Athlete 1 finishes the PP they move to the jump rope singles. Athlete 2 will complete their PP reps then hold the bar however they want until Athlete 1 returns for the second round of Front Squats.

Cool down

Run 400m as soon as you finish the WOD.


Crossover Symmetry Recovery wod

Barbell hip Thrusts 7×3 heavy

Mwod areas of need


Partner to increase intensity and work up. Holding the bar to get some mental toughness training involved. This is a long one after the rest yesterday.

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