[accordion title=”Warm Up/ Skill Transfer”]
-Run 200m @ 90-98 cadence
-Hit some warm up reps of the back squat prior to the working weight. In-between MWOD areas of need and reverse hyper
-No run/row today
[accordion title=”Strength”]
-DE Deadlift 70% 1RM x3 x4-8
[accordion title=”S&C WOD”]
150 Wall Balls, 20/14 lbs 10 ft
[accordion title=”Assistance/Skill”]
-Double unders
Practice DUs. 5 sets of max reps.
[accordion title=”Cool Down”]
-Immediately run 200m post workout. Focus on good skill for the duration of this run.
[accordion title=”Intent”]
Speed deadlifts, done at a % of your new 1RM. Then a hard, simple wod. Also high power and accuracy are important to put velocity to the ball.