WMW3.6 Fran wod Saturday!

[accordion title=”Warm Up/ Skill Transfer”]
-Run 200m @ 90-98 cadence
-3 RNFT 5-15 reps
Press ups/Pull ups
GHD Sit ups/Reverse Hypers
Squats/Overhead Squat
-Box Breathing in,out,hold :5 x2
-No run/row today
[accordion title=”Strength”]
None today
[accordion title=”S&C WOD”]
Thrusters 42.5/35kg
Pull ups

[accordion title=”Assistance”]
-Double unders
Practice DUs. 5 sets of max reps.
[accordion title=”Cool Down”]
-Immediately ride 400m post workout. Focus on good skill for the duration of this ride.
[accordion title=”Intent”]
Going to keep today simple. This benchmark workout is one of the highest power output wods in CrossFit. Aim for 5 minutes. If needs be scale the weights. Then spend time learning double unders.

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