WMW2.6 Sled drags then handstand head taps, hollow rocks and (yey!) burpees wod

[accordion title=”Warm Up/ Skill Transfer”]
-Run 200m @ 90-98 cadence
-3 RNFT 5-15 reps
Press ups/Pull ups
GHD Sit ups/Reverse Hypers
Squats/Overhead Squat
-Box Breathing in,out,hold :5 x2
-No run/row today
[accordion title=”Strength”]
If possible sled drags
20m deadlift style x4, regular (‘power walk’) x6
[accordion title=”S&C WOD”]
-For max reps:
5:00 Handstand head taps
rest 2:00
5:00 Hollow rock 1 rock=1 rep
rest 2:00
5:00 Burpees

[accordion title=”Assistance”]
-GHD hip extensions x3-5 sets
[accordion title=”Cool Down”]
-Immediately ride 400m post workout. Focus on good skill for the duration of this ride.
[accordion title=”Intent”]
Sled drags to get some good old-fashioned hard work and total body exercise. Go heavier than last week and hit 2 more Deadlift style and 2 less regular style. Then a wod with a long clock for single movements. Head touches are a good start to get the handstand walks going, hollow rocks are to get you a solid core (remember to breathe well) if you need rest switch to super man. Finally burpees! yay burpees, enough said! finish off with some hip extensions, enough to keep you moving but not over load you.

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