[accordion title=”Warm Up/ Skill Transfer”]
-Run 200m @ 90-98 cadence
-3X NFT 5-15 Quality reps use a light barbell and get heavier when skill allows:
HSPU Ring Rows
Hollow body (1 rock=1 rep) GHR
Front Squat (ATG) Overhead Squat (ATG)
Sotts Press MWOD
-Run 200m, include some sprints.
[accordion title=”S&C WOD”]
Newport Beach Crippler
For time
30 Body weight back squats
Run 1600m
[accordion title=”Assistance”]
Sled Drag 10m x 5
[accordion title=”Cool Down”]
-Row 200m (before assistance work)
-3X NFT 5-15 reps
Back to wall POSE BOF Hops
Kipping HSPU Drill Reverse Hypers
MWOD Box Breathing
[accordion title=”Intent”]
This is a benchmark workout, Strength endurance and speed strength and a focus. Keep skill maintained on the run. Then sled drags, practice for next weeks wod! Find a heavy weight you can fast walk but not run with, try sub 4:00 mph.