Shoot To Thrill Cycle

Cycle Begins: 18th November

The Current Cycle, as well as increasing overall performance and fitness, is focusing on the skill of the overhead movements, hollow body position and running. We are aiming to do some benchmark tests at the beginning of the Cycle to see what level you are at now, then we will re-test at the end, to see how you have improved at the end of the cycle.

The template looks like this, try to follow it as best you can.

Mon     Strength/Metcon
Tue       Metcon
Wed     Strength/Metcon
Thur    S&C Off
Fri        Strength/Metcon
Sat      Metcon
Sun      S&C Off

Please keep up to date with our website and look out for our WOD which will be released daily at 6.00am

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