I Loved The Intramural Open, What Next?

First of all a massive well done!  You have just finished one of the most exciting series of events in our entire calendar at CrossFit Shropshire. The intramural open is a celebration of your commitment to improving your health and fitness over the last 12 months, a celebration of the connections and relationships you’ve formed with your class mates over the last year.

It is also a celebration of the special bond you share with your coach (and team captain) who have help guide your journey over the last 12 months. To say we are proud of you all is an understatement, the last 5 weeks have been truly special!

So, what happens next?

With such a high can come a low. A sense of feeling lost, overwhelm or just not really knowing what to focus on next in your health and fitness journey. 

In the intramural open, you got to see lots of things that don’t usually happen in classes. For example maybe you witnessed one of your class mates get their first set of pull ups or a new squat clean PB, how amazing it was and must have felt for them. You might be thinking well why didn’t I? Or how can I get to his/her level? 

It’s perfectly normal to feel like this after such an event. Although you’re proud of your efforts and the efforts of others, it does make you assess your progress and journey up to this point and that’s exactly what we recommend that you do.

CrossFit Shropshire Know’s how to do this in a way that serves you best

  1. Start with what has gone well for you over the last 12 months leading up to the intramural open.
  2. Next you want to think about some of the things that didn’t go so well for you during the open. What didn’t you enjoy? What did you struggle with? 
  3. Then comes the all important question, what do you want next?

I’ll rephrase this;

  • If you could flick a switch with your health and fitness what would you be able to do, look like or weigh in relation to your health and fitness?
  • If we sat down in 3 months time and wrote a list of the things you can do now that you couldn’t do then, what would be on that list?
  • What health metrics are important to you? Do you want to improve those?
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Our Intramural Open 23 logo

This is where your unique definition of health and fitness serves you best. This is the thing you need to communicate with yourself and your coach at CrossFit Shropshire. It’s okay to train without goals for a short period of time, any longer than around 3 months of goals training and motivation will always flicker in and out of importance. You risk prioritising health less, making worser choices around healthy habits and lifestyle, in essence everything can kind of spiral. 

Those with goals who regularly check-in with their coach every quarter stay more ‘motivated’ and achieve more things in a much shorter time frame. 

What if I feel fit enough as it is and I don’t need a goal review because I don’t have any goals?

We would still love to sit with you and hear about how great your fitness is. Check-in’s aren’t just about making plans and becoming more committed to the plan Goal reviews or check-ins are a dedicated time for you with a coach who cares about your health and fitness. You may just wish to ask questions that could help you with mindset, motivation, nutrition. Think of it as time with a mentor. Mentors tend to know more about a topic than the recipient of the mentor, so use this time to pick our brains on all things health & fitness. There’s value in everything we do from our facebook group to the gym floor itself. 

April is for goal reviews. We’ll be reaching out to you over the next few weeks to find out a few things. Book yours now here

  • What was your favourite part about participating in the intramural open?
  • What has been going well in your training over the past 3 months?
  • What do you feel like you have been struggling with?
  • What is important to you now or what do you want next?

These conversations can shape your training for years, let’s catch up soon!

We also have a social event planned in June, our ‘Summer Series’ over the summer and our Lift Off in the autumn. All in all lots of great things happening. Also we have lots of events at Dam Strong we can take part in as well.

If you are new to CrossFit Shropshire book a free intro to start your journey and you can enter the intramural open in 2024. We have really good small group classes.

Here are the team captains from this years intramural open:

Schedule your free intro

Talk with a coach about your goals, make a plan to achieve them.

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