HB3.1 DE Squat and Handstand + Cindy wod

[accordion title=”Warm Up/ Skill Transfer”]
-Run 200m @ 90-98 cadence
-Hit some warm up reps of Wide stance box squat prior to the working weight. In-between MWOD areas of need
-No run/row today

[accordion title=”Strength”]
-DE Box Squat
Wide stance, High Bar, Just below parallel box
80% 1RM & Bands x2 x5-10
[accordion title=”S&C WOD”]
-12:00 AMRAP
10 Handstand Shoulder Touch
2 Rounds of Cindy
[accordion title=”Assistance”]
Tall Clean 75% 1RM x2 x5
[accordion title=”Cool Down”]
-Immediately run 200m post workout. Focus on good skill for the duration of this run.
[accordion title=”Intent”]
Speed squats, these help you to generate power by using bands and also we are going wide to enable you to strengthen your hips. Its week 3 of the first wave so its heaver! Then a wod to test shoulder stability and with whole body Cindy mobements (5 pull ups, 10 press ups, 15 squats). Use a wall for the handstand touches if needed.


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