CrossFit Shropshire – CrossFit
Warm up/Skill Transfer
400m Run (No Measure)
Run 400m not for time.
B lower body mobility 1a (No Measure)
-Hip rotations (5 reps each side then hold for :10)
-Toe stretch
-Dynamic toe stretch
-Asian chair hold
-Dynamic Asian chair (:10 hold then 10 reps)
-Knee push and hold (5 reps each side then hold for :10)
-Sky reaches (5 reps each side then hold for :10)
-Straight leg rotations, standing, seated and return.
B upper body mobility 1a (No Measure)
-Standing shoulder extensions (with bar, add change plates as we progress)
-Sink stretch (with bar, add change plates as we progress)
-Seated shoulder flexion with bar (add change plates as we progress)
-Shoulder dislocations (over and under grip)
-Table top twists
Overhead Squat (5-3-1-1-1)
Metcon (Time)
15-12-9-6-3 reps, for time of:
Power Clean, 135 lbs
Bar-facing burpee
Cool down run (No Measure)
Run 100-400m. Not for time, bring down heart rate and start recovery process early.
Skin the Cat
Progressions and mobility for Skin the Cat