CrossFit Shropshire – CrossFit
Metcon (Weight)
2 position clean 1-1-1-1-1-1
(Below knee, Mid thigh)
Use the heaviest weight you can for each set.
Rest as needed between sets.
Metcon (Weight)
Tempo Clean Pull 1-1-1-1
Use the heaviest weight you can for each set.
Rest as needed between sets.
10 sec to get to top, 10 sec to return to floor.
6 positions: 1″ off floor, 1″ below knee, 1″above knee, mid thigh, down position, explode to top with a good strong finish.
go back the same way. that is 1 rep and 1 set. perform 4 sets.
Metcon (Weight)
5x 2+1 Front Squats, Jerk
It is a complex of 2 Front Squats + 1 Jerk
As heavy as possible
Metcon (No Measure)
3 rounds NFT:
-15m 1 arm KBOHWL -right into 10x KB Snatch (R)
-15m 1 arm KBOHWL – right into 10x KB Snatch (L)
-10x Burpee Pull up
Jackie (Time)
For Time:
1000m Row
50 Thrusters, 45#
30 Pull-ups