5.2 Hell or Hallelujah


Final Week of H or H. Retest the barbell: TGU, single arm OHS and single arm snatch please. If you can’t make Thursday do them in-between the wods when you’re here. Get ready for the new cycle next week…

CrossFit Shropshire – CrossFit


Warm up run 10-400m + MWOD (No Measure)

Start the physical and mental preparation to workout. Run as far as needed. then MWOD areas of need (your targets and areas needed for the positions in the wod)


Ring Archer Rows/Press Ups (No Measure)

1-5 Sets

In Row position 2 Ring Archer hold each arm

In deep Press Up position 2 Ring Archer hold each arm


1-5 Sets

2-6 Ring Archer Rows each arm

2-6 Ring Archer Press Ups each arm

Turkish Get Ups (No Measure)

1-5 sets

1 TGU Each arm with heavy KB

1 TGU Each arm with barbell


RX: Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

In front of a clock set for 12 minutes:

1 minute of 30-inch/24-inch* box jumps

1 minute of 115-lb./75-lb.* sumo deadlift high-pulls

2 minutes of 30-inch/24-inch* box jumps

2 minutes of 115-lb./75-lb.* sumo deadlift high-pulls

3 minutes of 30-inch/24-inch* box jumps

3 minutes of 115-lb./75-lb.* sumo deadlift high-pulls

LI: Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

In front of a clock set for 12 minutes:

1 minute of 24-inch/20-inch* box jumps

1 minute of 95-lb./65-lb.* sumo deadlift high-pulls

2 minutes of 24-inch/20-inch* box jumps

2 minutes of 95-lb./65-lb.* sumo deadlift high-pulls

3 minutes of 24-inch/20-inch* box jumps

3 minutes of 95-lb./65-lb.* sumo deadlift high-pulls

LII: Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

In front of a clock set for 15 minutes:

1 minutes of 20-inch/16-inch* box jumps

1 minute of 65-lb./45-lb.* sumo deadlift high-pulls

1 minute of rest

2 minutes of 20-inch/16-inch* box jumps

2 minute of 65-lb./45-lb.* sumo deadlift high-pulls

2 minute of rest

3 minutes of 20-inch/16-inch* box jumps

3 minute of 65-lb./45-lb.* sumo deadlift high-pulls

Cool down run (No Measure)

Run 100-400m. Not for time, bring down heart rate and start recovery process early.


Ring Archer Pull Ups (No Measure)

2-5 sets

2-6 ring pull up to archer each arm (Or jump into the pull up)

2-6 ring archer pull ups

Cool down

MWOD (No Measure)

Spend at least 5 minutes before you leave the gym on an area to MWOD.


Crossover Symmetry

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