CrossFit Shropshire – CrossFit
Warm up/Skill Transfer
Warm-up (No Measure)
Wall Slides x 10 @ 3030
Pec Activation
Followed by…
Every Minute on the Minute for 6 minutes (2 sets):
Station 1 – Parallette Shoot-Throughs x 3-5 reps
Station 2 – Single-Leg Glute Bridges x 10
Station 3 – Dead Bugs x 10-12 reps
Metcon (No Measure)
3 Bench Press, pick load
Every 1:30 for 15 mins.
Tempo- 20X0
Use between 65-75% of your 1RM and focus on moving the barbell as quickly as possible from your chest to full elbow extension. If you don’t feel powerful driving the barbell off of you, reduce the load and focus on speed.
Metcon (No Measure)
5 rounds for time of:
30 Double Unders
15 Push Press, 95/65 lbs
15 Push-ups
Metcon (Time)
BLT 10/9/19
Warm up:
2 Steady rounds of-
250metre row
15 weighted box step ups
30 second sandbag/plate hug/hold
Clean Complex
Every 90secs for 9 minutes
2 reps at 75% of 1RM of Clean.
Power clean
Hang power clean
Squat clean
Hang squat clean
Split jerk
AMRAP for 10 minutes:
•12 box jumps (24″/20″)
•1 rope climb or scaled floor to stand or 4 horizontal ring rows
•12 GHD sit ups or scaled ab mat
Then rest 3mins
Followed by
•10 mins to find 10RM of push jerk
Rest 3 mins
•Then 1 mile run for time