4.4 ITBF

CrossFit Shropshire – CrossFit


Metcon (No Measure)

Deconstructed Broad Jump Burpees (Push-ups, Air Squats, Broad Jumps)Rope Climbs

For quality, reps, work at a good pace still, 4 rounds of:

5 Push-ups

5 Air Squats

5 Broad Jumps

1 15 ft Rope Climb

Metcon (Time)

6 Rounds For Time:

20 American KB Swings AHAP

10 Explosive Incline Press Ups

B: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)

Stamina: 3 Rounds:

15x Front Squat (AHAP-Unbroken)

12xSB Bicep Carry Step up

10x Burpee- Pull up

Work Capacity: 10 min. AMRAP:

5x Clean and Jerk (115/105)

30x Double Under

* Rest 4 min. after AMRAP:


American KBS (55/35)

Sit up

C: Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

Dynamic: 12 min. EMOM:

Even: 3-5 HSPU (:4 Negative)

Odd: 3-6 Dead hang Pull up (:4 negative)

Work Capacity:With a partner complete:

A) Row

B) 50x Goblet Squat


A) Row

B) 50x KB STO (2 KBs)


A) Row

B) 30x KB Snatch (15/ side)


A) Row

B) 12x Turkish Get up



Push-ups (4-10 Sets (Quality) x 10 reps)

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