CrossFit Shropshire – CrossFit
Warm up/Skill Transfer
MovNat Sequence 1 (No Measure)
Breathing (lying): 10 Breaths
Side Rolling: 3-5 rolls/direction
Rocking: 5-10 Rocks
Side Bent Sit Reverse: 5 Reverses/direction
Wall Reach: 5-10 Breaths while reaching
Wall Stretch: 5-10 Breaths in stretch
Breathing (sitting): 10 Breaths
Each “breath” should take about 8 seconds (4 sec inhale, 4 sec exhale). When inhaling think about creating length and space in all your joints and muscles; while exhaling think about gently pulling out the slack created by the inhales.
Metcon (No Measure)
Just wod
Metcon (No Measure)
Every 2 minutes, for 30 minutes (3 rounds) of:
Station 1 – 400 Meter Run
Station 2 – 30 Wall Ball Shots
Station 3 – 400 Meter Run
Station 4 – 15 Strict Pull-Ups
Station 5 – 15 Burpee Box Jump or Step-Overs
Your goal should be to finish this entire workout without falling short in any interval. If the prescribed repetitions or distances are unattainable, please adjust the reps such that you are able to complete the first round (10 minutes) relatively comfortably, you are challenged in the second round, and the third round will be very challenging both mentally and physically.
On the other hand, if the above prescription is too easy for your current level, please increase the number of repetitions/distances to ensure that your rounds match the desired levels of intensity noted above.