3.2 Force

CrossFit Shropshire – CrossFit

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Warm up/Skill Transfer

Warm-up (No Measure)

Two sets of:

Perform 30 seconds each of the following movements…

*Station 1 – Banded Palloff Hold (standing, squatting, kneeling – mix it up!)

*Station 2 – Banded Lateral Monster Walk

*Station 3 – Banded Squats

*Station 4 – Side Plank Hold

*Station 5 – Russian Step-Ups

Move through this with as little rest between movements as possible. It should take between 12-15 minutes in total.


Metcon (No Measure)

3 rounds for quality of:

5 L/5 R Front Rack Split Squats, pick load

Rest 1 min

5 L/5 R Rear Foot Elevated Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts, pick load

Rest 1 min

Front Rack Split Squats- 4-5 reps each side, 4211 tempo

Rear Foot Elevated Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts- 4-5 reps each side, 6011 tempo

For the split squats, allow the knee to drive forward of the toes, such that your hamstring is resting atop your calf…but keep your full foot on the ground. We’re working on mobility as well as quad strength. For the Romanian deadlifts, you’ll set up just like a bulgarian split squat, but keep only a slight bend in the knee and reach down to perform a Romanian deadlift.


Metcon (No Measure)

For time:

Row, 1000 m

50 Dumbbell Thrusters, pick load


Metcon (Time)

BLT 10/9/19

Warm up:

2 Steady rounds of-

250metre row

15 weighted box step ups

30 second sandbag/plate hug/hold


Clean Complex

Every 90secs for 9 minutes

2 reps at 75% of 1RM of Clean.

Power clean

Hang power clean

Squat clean

Hang squat clean

Split jerk


AMRAP for 10 minutes:

•12 box jumps (24″/20″)

•1 rope climb or scaled floor to stand or 4 horizontal ring rows

•12 GHD sit ups or scaled ab mat

Then rest 3mins

Followed by

•10 mins to find 10RM of push jerk

Rest 3 mins

•Then 1 mile run for time

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