2.5 Oly and GHD Bench

CrossFit Shropshire – CrossFit


H’s Muscle Up Strength (No Measure)

A-Passive Bar Hang :30-1:00

B-Active Bar Hang :30-1:00

C-Chin Over Bar Hold :15-:30

D-Head Under Bar Hold :15-:30

Repeat C then D

E-Ring Rows 5-15

F-Dips 5-15

Repeat E then F

G- Negative Muscle Ups 5-10

H-Jumping Muscle Ups 5-10

I-Hollow Body Hold :30

J-Arch Hold :30

Repeat I then J 3 times in total.


Metcon (Time)

8 Rounds for time:

5x Toe 2 Bar

7x Thruster (95/65)

9x Kettle Bell Swing (55/35)

Cycle Test

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

Max Reps Strict:

Muscle Ups

Pull Ups


Ring Dips


(pick one or two movements, use a band if needed)

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