CrossFit Shropshire – CrossFit
Warm up/Skill Transfer
MovNat Sequence 2 (No Measure)
Breathing (lying) 10 Breaths
Inverted Crawl (or Scoot): 5-10m
Rotational Stretch: 2/side, 2-5 breaths per reach
Backward Rolling: 2/side, 2-5 breaths while on shoulder
Kneeling with Reaching: 5-10 breaths/side
Hanging: 5-15 breaths
Breathing (sitting): 10 breaths
Each “breath” should take about 8 seconds (4 sec inhale, 4 sec exhale). When inhaling think about creating length and space in all your joints and muscles; while exhaling think about gently pulling out the slack created by the inhales.
Metcon (No Measure)
3 rounds for quality of:
8 Back Squats, pick load
Rest 1 min
20 Medicine Ball Hamstring Curls, pick load
Rest 1 min
12 Hollow Body Roll-to-Supermans
Rest 1 min
6-8 Back Squats- 32X1 tempo
15-20 Medicine Ball Hamstring Curls- 2111 tempo
Hollow Body Roll-to-Supermans- 6 each way
Metcon (No Measure)
Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 mins of:
25/15 Assault Bike Calories
20 V-ups
15 Wall Balls, pick load
Compare results to June 21, 2019.
Metcon (Time)
BLT 10/9/19
Warm up:
2 Steady rounds of-
250metre row
15 weighted box step ups
30 second sandbag/plate hug/hold
Clean Complex
Every 90secs for 9 minutes
2 reps at 75% of 1RM of Clean.
Power clean
Hang power clean
Squat clean
Hang squat clean
Split jerk
AMRAP for 10 minutes:
•12 box jumps (24″/20″)
•1 rope climb or scaled floor to stand or 4 horizontal ring rows
•12 GHD sit ups or scaled ab mat
Then rest 3mins
Followed by
•10 mins to find 10RM of push jerk
Rest 3 mins
•Then 1 mile run for time