18.6 Gainful

CrossFit Shropshire – CrossFit

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Warm up/Skill Transfer

Warm-up (No Measure)

2 sets:

15 Band Pull Aparts

Forward Bear Crawl, 20 yd

Backward Bear Crawl, 20 yd

— then —

Tabata Warm-up, 3 sets:

Straddle Pulses, 20 secs

Rest 10 secs

Plank Walks, 20 secs

Rest 10 secs

Jumping Squats, 20 secs

Rest 10 secs

Plank Shoulder Taps, 20 secs

Rest 10 secs


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

Complete as many rounds as possible in 33 mins of:

15 Burpees

29 Kettlebell Swings, pick load

7 Dumbbell Clusters, pick load

25 Row Calories

Complete in teams of 4 (Dustin’s favorite number), with only 1 teammate allowed per movement.

33 mins- Dustin’s age

15 Burpees- the year Sofia & Dustin were married

29 Kettlebell Swings- the date Sofia & Dustin got married

7 Dumbbell Clusters- the month Dustin was born

25 Row Calories- the day Dustin was born

Every 1 min athletes must stop what they are doing and complete:

8 Air Squats- the month Sofia & Dustin were married


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