CrossFit Shropshire – CrossFit
Warm up/Skill Transfer
Warm-up (No Measure)
2 sets:
15 Band Pull Aparts
Forward Bear Crawl, 20 yd
Backward Bear Crawl, 20 yd
— then —
2 sets:
15 L/15 R Banded Triceps Extensions
5 Donkey Kicks
— then —
2 sets:
10 Dead Bugs
5 Burpee Broad Jumps
Metcon (Time)
Complete as many rounds as possible in 24 mins of:
3 Strict Handstand Push-ups
6 Strict Pull-ups
9 Toes-to-bars
12 Goblet Squats, 32/24 kg
15 Row Calories
Teams of 2 will alternate movements. Partner A will do 3 strict handstand push-ups, partner B does 6 strict pull-ups, partner A does 9 toes-to-bar, partner B does 12 goblet squats, partner A does 15 row calories, then partner B does 3 strict handstand push-ups, and so on…for the duration of the 24 mins.