CrossFit Shropshire – CrossFit
Warm up/Skill Transfer
Warm-up (No Measure)
3 Rounds
15x Step-Ups
5x Push-Ups
5x Lunges In-Place
3x Pull-Ups
Instep Stretch
Metcon (No Measure)
Wod only
Metcon (Time)
***Complete the following assessment in the order it appears. Try to keep rest between exercises to under 3 minutes.**
(1) Max reps 17″ Step-Ups in 10 minutes
(2) Max reps strict Pull-Ups
(3) Max reps Seated Russian Twists in 60 sec. – 15/20kg
(4) Max reps 12. Shuttles in 2 min.
(5) Max reps Seated Military Press @ 20/30#
(6) Row 500m for time.